Azure Wheel Wiki
Homeworld:  Tasha
Average Height:  5'
Life Expectancy: 30 Years
Species Status:  Open
Earth Species Evolved From:  Hedgehog


Aujarox Species Sheet.

Physical Appearance

The Aujarox resemble anthropomorphic hedgehogs.

Aujarox can have the colors and markings of any hedgehog species.

They can be all white, white with brown quills or all brown.  The shade of brown that an aujarox can be can range from a light mocha-blonde to a deep, rich shade of brown.  White-bodied  aujarox can have a brown ‘mask’ on the muzzle as well as brown ears.

Aujarox with brown quills usually have white “salt and peppering” along the quills... especially the tips.  There can also be patches of all white or all brown quills.

Their eye color can be brown, orange, gold or rust.


The aujarox are a primitive species, living in tight-knit tribes of hunter-gatherers.  Each tribe is headed by the eldest male member of the tribe.  They live in tents made from stretched animal hide, bones tree branches or grass.

They are a nomadic species, tracking herds of xaziu (large, elephant like creatures) across the vast
wilderness of Tasha.  To the aujarox, xaziu are sacred creatures.  Not only do they provide meat and skins that are made into clothing and shelter, but their bones and tusks can be carved into statues and jewelry.  Before a hunt, a shaman will lead the hunters in a strange dance in order to communicate with the spirits of the animals that they wish to hunt.

Females of the tribe are gatherers.  It is their job to gather fruit and tubers as well as tsraasi grubs, which are the larvae of a large beetle native to the grasslands and forests of Tasha.  The females also tend to the homes and children.

It is almost unheard of to see gender roles reversed in their culture.


Like their hedgehog ancestors, aujarox can be skittish and timid especially around things that are unfamiliar to them.  They are also very curious and are inquisitive about the world around them.

Life for them is hard.. and often very short, so many have adapted a “life goes on” attitude for when bad things happen to them.

While they are extremely close with members of their tribes, they are distrustful of outsiders.  Battles between tribes are not uncommon if there are disputes over hunting territories or sources of clean water.  Some groups of hunters won’t hesitate to attack successful hunters to steal their kills.

Tribes that are friendly towards each other will often give gifts of food and jewelry as a sign of good will.  Allied tribes will often fight together during wars with other tribes.

Sex and Reproduction

While it is ideal for Aujarox to mate for life, this isn't a common thing.  Life for Aujarox is incredibly hard.  It is very common for one to die young.  If that happens, the suviving member of a couple feels an obligation to choose another mate.

Aujarox children are born without quills, which will start to grow only a few days after birth.  Over the next few years, the child's quills will be constantly growing and shedding; being continually replaced with longer, stronger quills.

Aujarox mothers are very protective of their children and will carry infants around in papooses as theri go through their daily routines until they can walk on their own. 


Aujarox are omnivores. They will eat any type of plant or meat that they possibly can. However, no processed foods, such as bread exist yet.
Even though there are specific gender roles in their culture, females are not seen as being less important than males as aujarox see gathering, home life and children as being as important to their society as hunting and fighting.

Language and Names

Their language is simple and does not contain a lot of flowery eloquence.  Instead, it is very straightforward and to the point. Their names are also relatively simple.  Usually being words for ideas, emotions or simply things found in nature.

Examples of names:  Extot (Sister), Zoic (Handsome), Isi (flower).
